Tapuzidzis Paviel Hieorhijevič

The owner of the "Tabak-Invest" company, "Korona" and "Korona-techno" hypermarket chains and hotel "Robinson Club"
Alternative spelling 
Tapuzidzis Pavel Heorhevich, Topuzidis Pavel Georgiyevich
Tabak-Invest company

Worked in the USSR's bridge building industry. In 1987, organised the Plasticat cooperative in Rudziensk, which lasted for 12 years and manufactured artificial flowers and funeral wreaths.

Later engaged in entrepreneurial activity, including manufacturing of toys and trade of cigarettes. In the early 1990s organized a small company called Prima, which produced Belomor Canal cigarettes and Flame of October matches. In 1996 received a license to produce cigarettes.

Since 2015 his company Tabak-Invest along with the Neman state factory has been a monopolist of the Belarusian cigarette market. The company has for a number of years been among the ten largest taxpayers in Minsk.

Year of birth 
Last updated 22.05.2016
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