About Belarus Profile

Belarus Profile provides up-to-date information about over 200 influential people from all walks of life in Belarus.

Containing biographical listings of people who have an impact on life in Belarus, including politicians, opposition activists, civil servants, and notable figures from the academia, business, civil society, and other areas, its ambition to become the most respected reference source with biographical information.

Belarus Profile is built for biographical searching which makes it a valuable resource for anyone concerned with Belarus politics, economy and society. Each biography appears in Belarusian, Russian and English languages and contains basic personal information, details of education and career as well as relevant internet links.

The directory is constantly expanding by addicting new individuals and providing more detailed biographies for the most frequently viewed profiles.

Our editors monitor the press and other sources of reference for changes and additions. If your profile is already included and you would like to update it please contact the editors.

This project is run by the Ostrogorski Centre, an organisation established by Western-educated Belarusians based in Belarus and the European Union.

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