Rusy Michail Ivanavič

Rusy Michail Ivanavič
Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus
Alternative spelling 
Rusy Mikhail Ivanavich
Government of the Republic of Belarus

From 1977-1983 - was chief agronomist, Deputy Chairman and Chairman of the Kolkhoz named after Lenin in the district of Žytkavičy.
1983-1985 - Head of the Department of Agriculture of the Karma District Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus.
1985-1987 - was Second Secretary of the Karma District Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus.
1987-1988 - Head of Party Organisation at the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus.
1988-1991 - First Secretary of the Stoŭbcy District Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus.
1991-1994 - Chairman of the Committee on Land Reform and Land Tenure under the Council of the Minsters of the Republic of Belarus.
1994-2001 - Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus.
2001-2003 - Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus.
2003-2004 - Advisor to the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Russian Federation (St. Petersburg).
2004-2008 - Chairman of the Standing Commission of the House of Representatives on Agrarian Policy.
2008-2010 - Chairman of the Standing Commission of the House of Representatives on Ecology Issues, the Environment and the Chernobyl Catastrophe.
2010-2012 - Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus.
On April 10th 2012 he was appointed Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus.

В должности с 
Год рождения 
Место рождения 
Homiel region
Belarusian Agricultural Academy, Minsk Higher Party School
Last updated 22.02.2016
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